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Del Prete

Italian violinist Francesco Del Prete started his career with classical studies, but later developed a passion for ethnical music, especially jazz. This led him to look for original sounds and alternative ways of using the instrument and revealing its hidden capabilities, also through electronics.
This research is what inspired his three main projects:
  • Respiro, a violin and voice electropop duo who released the albums A forma di ali in 2015, UnPoPositivo in 2019 and Jungle Gum in 2021;
  • Francesco Del Prete Jazz Ensemble (“Colibrì” 2018);
  • last but not least Violinorchestra (Corpi d’Arco, 2009, re-released in 2023, Cor Cordis, 2021 and Rohesia Violinorchestra, 2022), a unique project that takes advantage of all the structural features of the violin (strings, bow, sound box, etc.) using them all in the most diverse ways to tell an extraordinary, never-before-heard story: the violin proves to be an ever so modern and vibrant instrument, capable of becoming a special lens through which one can read and interpret the present times.
Francesco Del Prete’s career retraces a nostalgic, endless musical journey through Italy, Japan, France, Greece, Germany, Switzerland and Slovenia thanks to his many collaborations with: La Notte Della Taranta Ensemble (alongside big names like Stewart Copeland, drummer of the English rock band The Police, Lucio Dalla, Francesco De Gregori, Piero Pelù, Teresa De Sio, Gianna Nannini, Ares Tavolazzi, Mauro Pagani, Vittorio Cosma, Franco Battiato, Ambrogio Sparagna, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti,…), Arakne Mediterranea, Nidi D’arac, Manigold, Demotika Orkestar, La Municipal and many others.
PH: Silvio Bursomanno

Five wines, five rays of light, and the conviction that the stories constructed in sounds and images by the violinist and composer Francesco Del Prete must be respected, polished by melodic lines that oppose conformity. In Rohesia Pas Dosé, Teresa Manara, Rohesia Rosso, Rohesia Rosé, and Amativo, there is a resilient diversity that reclaims the here and now through the poetic art of melody. Here is a space of freedom and autonomous expression, and of images in their sharp clarity. Courage and innovation without ever resorting to imitation.

Maria Giovanna Barletta

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2018 © Francesco Del Prete

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